Website Manager



Volunteer Responsibilities and Resources

Head Coach
The head coach is responsible for developing skills and training the players, managing the team and the schedule and coaching the team during practices and games.

Assistant Coach
Assistant Coach(es) help the Head Coach with all training and skill development, running practices and coaching during games.  Assistant Coaches may be called upon to act in the place of a Head Coach who is unavailable for practice or a game.

Team Parent
This volunteer role is responsible for organizing communications between the coach and the players/families and managing any additional activities that the team and/or coaches may require to effectively prepare for practices or games.

Score Keeper
The Scorekeeper will be responsible for creating a team account in GameChanger, developing an understanding of the tool and how to use it and keeping score for each game using the tool.

Field Manager
Field Managers are responsible for preparing the field prior to and after each game.   This includes raking, dragging, lining and other preparations of the field before  a game and raking and dragging the field after the game.

Other Volunteer Opportunities 

Board Member
You don't have to know baseball or softball to be a board member. We are looking for volunteers with backgrounds in finance, logistics, web maintenance, fundraising, field maintenance, graphic design, and many others. View our Board page to see all positions. If you have interest and experience please contact  [email protected] even if that position is filled.

Training and basic equipment provided. Contact [email protected]

Concession Stand
Concession Stand volunteers will sign up online to work for a minimum of four shifts during the course of the season.

Contact Us

Woodlawn Little League

PO Box 20 
Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121

Email: [email protected]

Woodlawn Little League

PO Box 20 
Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121

Email: [email protected]
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